Charity Auction Consultation
Call to Auction gives your non-profit organization, school, or organization cutting edge event consultation to engage more donors, raise more funds, and provide a positive guest experience.
We partner with you to identify the "golden goosebump" moment at your event and utilize our experience and your goals to maximize fundraising. There are many aspects to planning a successful gala and we help you to transform the many hurdles into fundraising opportunities. Whether it's identifying auction items that match your audience, to providing logistic solutions and incorporating "auctiontainment".
Some of the areas of consultation we guide you through:
- Call To Action paddle raise production and facilitation
- Live Auction fundraising best practices
- Advanced marketing techniques
- Audience development strategies
- Board engagement workshops
- Incorporating audio/visual best practices
- Multimedia fundraising presentations
- Logistic solutions
- Event video production
- Additional revenue generators
- Dreaming BIG for your biggest fundraiser of the year